Proposed Project- Headstone Restoration


Hey Everyone,

John Zemater proposed the following:


I am thinking that sometime in the future the Headstones of the Graves of our Ancestors should be restored or replaced. I know these Headstones are 150 to 250 years old. Some of them I can barley read. I think it will be nice for the family to restore these Headstones if possible or replace these Headstones.

IMG_5078I am thinking the Gravestones at the Church and the Gravestones at the Cemetery right next door to UNC need repairing or replacing. I am also wondering if other Siblings outside of John JJ Long, Thomas Anderson Long, and James Daniel Long, had any descendants, or if John JJ Long, Thomas Anderson Long, and James Daniel Long are the only ones who have descendants. 

 Talk to you later


To answer Johns question, yes there are lots of descendants of other family lines, but initially we are concentrating the focus on really building out these 4 lines and then we can grow our knowledge base over time.

What do you think about Johns’s proposal to start a Restoration Project?  Any volunteer Project leaders out there?

Would appreciate your feedback 🙂 in the Comments.


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2 Responses to Proposed Project- Headstone Restoration

  1. Cindy Long Zemater says:

    Some of the very old headstones in the old section of the cemetery had plaques created duplicating the original inscriptions. So instead of replacing headstones, plaques could be an option & placed beneath the headstone. I have no idea what the cost would be.

    • Suzanne Long says:

      Thank you Cindy for suggesting this concept. I think it’s a great place to start. We would need a Project leader, a list of what stones need a corresponding plaque and then we could get some design and costs efforts started. Let’s see what others are willing to say.

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