Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Mystical Interlude between Jack & Suzanne

Published in the D.A.R. Patience Wright Chapter, Laguna Beach, CA – April 2019 APRIL 2019 NEWSLETTER PAGE | 3 One Daughter’s Ancestral Story – Suzanne O’Rourke I am a California born DAR sister, but had always been drawn to North … Continue reading

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Upcoming events at Alamance Battleground

Good afternoon Friends of Alamance Battleground. The “Descendants Gathering and Militia Muster” is scheduled for Saturday, October 13th, 2018. Please mark your calendars and continue to support Alamance Battleground! Descendants Gathering “Liberty to make our Grievances Known” 1768-2018 Lectures Dr. … Continue reading

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A snowy scene at the historic Long family homestead on Cates Corner Farm

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This is how it might of been on in the Long & McCauley Store

In “Sons of Carolina” by Augustus White Long, he writes about how the Political hub of Chapel Hill was often found around the old stove in the back of the Long & McCauley Store.  This photo taken in the Green … Continue reading

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Tribute to Dorothee Lillian Siepp Long

It is with a celebration of a life well lived, that we share the news of Dorothee Lillian Long’s passing on February 18, 2017. She lived a long,  loved life, finally passing on at the age of 90. Old age … Continue reading

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George Long finally proven as a Patriot and recognized by DAR

Dear Long Family, I wasn’t sure we would ever prove it, but finally after years of piecing together bits of facts and records, we have finally received the exciting news that George Long (born 1755 and died in 1810) has … Continue reading

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The Long Family Farm continues into the 21st Century as Cates Corner Farm

Betty Ray Cates and Linda Cates are the owners of Cates Corner Farm and direct descendants of George Long,read the full story below. Betty & Linda were the wonderful hostess for the 265th Long Family Reunion on the farm in May … Continue reading

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Sharing the artistry of Lillian Long

Lillian Long as she was known by her family, was born Laura Lillian Long in 1894.  She was a beautiful woman with an artistic talent, especially with Pastels. Janet Harding said of her husband Bills  Grandmother,   that Lillian was … Continue reading

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Are we related to Peregrine White and the Mayflower pilgrims?

There has long been a family legend that the Longs that were descendants of Zoa White Long, where then descendants of Peregrine White, the only baby that was born on the Mayflower and survived.  He arrived with his widowed Mother … Continue reading

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Cousin Kevin -THANK YOU!

I wanted to give a GIANT THANK YOU to my Cousin Kevin Long in Elk Grove, California.  Kevin offered numerous times to pay the $300 Annual Renewal of our Ancestry Account.  I was going to suspend it due to budget … Continue reading

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Getting down with Glenn

We’ve got amazing talent, skills and knowledge in the family.  We will be profiling these individuals over time so we can all take pride in our family, but also learn and help each other.  Talk about a Personal Network, it … Continue reading

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Chapel Hill Library Historical Photo Request

Susan at the Chapel Hill Historical Society sent us news about a interesting Art Project underway at the Chapel Hill Library.  They are requesting submissions to the Exhibit of any historical images from Chapel Hill. Please submit any images you … Continue reading

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Long Family Bible Entries

Another great benefit of the historic Long Family Home Coming was Betty and Linda that own the farm dug out several Family Bibles from different branches of the Long family and took these images.  They have all been uploaded to … Continue reading

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Proposed Project- Headstone Restoration

  Hey Everyone, John Zemater proposed the following: Suzanne, I am thinking that sometime in the future the Headstones of the Graves of our Ancestors should be restored or replaced. I know these Headstones are 150 to 250 years old. … Continue reading

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North Carolina Historical Books – 2015

Susan at the Chapel Hill Historical Society generously sent us this a link to all these Historical books that are digital with this link. Great resource for those that like digging a little deeper.  

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The Victorian Hair Art of Mary Jane Walker-1834

Pam Broughton of Norwich England was excited to share with us this unique period art of the Victorian Age.   She wrote, “These are photos of the family heirloom made by Mary Jane Walker which include locks of hair from … Continue reading

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Long Family Reunited

  Dear Family, As we celebrate the kickoff of the Long Family reunited and meeting each other there is a lot to be celebrated. We have an amazing historical legacy to be proud of.  We have a lot of collaborative … Continue reading

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Let us know you Exist!

We need your help to identify and cultivate the various Long Family Descendant Lines. Please go to the Home Page and Identify who your OLDEST Ancestor is under George Long.  This will help us to start building out individual Family Lines … Continue reading

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Thank you for joining in on the Long Family Blog.

Long is a fairly common family name, so to be specific, this is for the descendants of George Long and Margaret Logan.  George Long of Scotland, died in Ireland before he and Margaret and young son George Long II could … Continue reading

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